My night time sleep tips were referenced in a Just Born For Baby blog! One of the great tips for getting your baby to sleep through the night which Just Born For Baby gave was: Bath time. A nice soak comforts your baby, relaxing him or her for a better night’s sleep....
Jenni June’s Pediatrician of the Month
I think its about time you all get to know the best pediatricians in LA! Meet Dr. Jason Bromberg MD, FAAP, Agoura-West Hills Pediatrics. I have had so much incredible feedback from my clients over the years about this guy, that I decided I had to meet him! And boy,...
Jenni June Joins The Breathe Institute
I have joined the illustrious and ground-breaking Breathe Institute as a collaborative health care provider! What does this mean? This means I will be providing in-office visits at the beautiful new Westwood practice, near UCLA in Los Angeles beginning in May. This...
Jenni June Joins Jill Simonian on CBS Los Angeles
Want some more awesome and informative sleep talk? Watch it go down, as I join the fabulous, Jill Simonian, Parenting Lifestyle TV/Media Personality on CBSLA’s Facebook Page Thursday January 12th. Also catch me on CBS Los Angeles WEDNESDAY NIGHTS at 5pm & FRIDAY...
Jenni June Invited to “The Doctors” TV Show to Offer Sleep Advice!!
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Sleep Training vs. A Sleep Hygiene Plan
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching a baby or child a new routine or sleep skill. The primary focus of my work is a tightly prescribed sleep plan consisting of my trademarked, 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene. Sleep hygiene is the medical terminology for...
Is my child old enough or too old to sleep train?
Is my child old enough, or too old to sleep train or improve sleep wellness with your sleep hygiene plan? If you wish to formally sleep train your baby using a behavioral sleep training method in conjunction with your sleep hygiene plan, your child must be at least...
Managing a nap drop!
Find out how my tips helped Heather Brooker: actress, mom, Emmy Award-winning writer and podcast host of the popular show, Motherhood in Hollywood, with her child’s nap drop drama! …Oh, and if don’t already subscribe to this kick ass blog, get on board! "First off,...
ABC Show Coverage! My Top 5 Brands!
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Jenni June’s 4 Parent prep tips for Daylight Savings Time
Make sure your child is well rested to begin with. There is no better foundation for wellsleep than a solid, evidence-based sleep hygiene plan! 1. “Sleep hygiene” is the medical terminology for syncing your children’s sleep with their natural biological...
Download the New Must Have CityMoms App!!
Save time, save money, and get unprecedented access to hundreds of activities in your city, including kids classes, family events, museums, daily drop in play, and fitness for moms!! For the first time ever, families can discover and book - in real time - the best...
Save the Date! 11/16 – Visit Jenni June @ Eat Sleep Play! at Pint Size Kids
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Enter the #JenniJuneSleepBundle Contest!!
Babies Sleep safer and Healthier! With the 2016 #JenniJuneSleepBundle!!!! You will have an opportunity to win my favorite sleep and baby care products every month for the rest of 2016!! Such as the Dohm Baby White Noise Machine, BittaKidda SleepSack and Daytime...
Want sleep? Meet me HERE… and, here… and, here, too!
Think you and your little one is sleep deprived now? …It’s about to get worse. With Halloween, daylight savings time, flu season, travel and houseguests during the holidays, you are going to need some solid pre-emptive tactics to keep you and your kiddos from ending...
The Wake Up Routine That Helps Your Child Sleep At Night
Did you know that your child’s wake up and morning routine could go a long way in helping them sleep better at night? Making a clear distinction between winding down for sleep and how they wake up aids their hormones in programming their internal body clock to become...
What’s the #1 Stressor for Parents?
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[VIDEO] Becoming Good Sleepers… in 22 Minutes!
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Good White Noise vs. Not So Good White Noise
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An Awesome Bedtime Story for your Little One!
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8 Sleep Facts All Parents Should Know
8 Sleep Facts All Parents Should Know There are steps you can take to rule out sleep disorders and create customized sleep plans if your family is struggling with any of the #SleepFacts below... Fact #1 - Poor sleep...
When Child Sleep Issues need more than just sleep training…
When Child Sleep Issues need more than just sleep training… Part of my training as a specialist in pediatric sleep hygiene and behavioral coaching for families with young children, is to recognize when I am seeing things...
When Your Baby Cries: 6 Powerful Questions Every Parent Must Ask Themselves
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Safe Self-soothing
Safe Self-soothing Providing essential building blocks to optimal infant mental health. Watch this 15 second video of this little girl using the super soft “lovie” (a part of the Bitta Sack she is wearing), to...
Is co-sleeping really helping your sleep?
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11 step #SleepHygiene recovery program FOR PARENTS
Jenni June’s 11 Step #SleepHygiene Recovery Program for Parents: Once I get the kiddos sleeping better, I get to work on the parents! Optimum restorative sleep hours for adults: 10PM to 6AM Respect and anticipate your...
8 brutally honest reasons for #SleepFails
Parents fail to recognize their role in the cycle of poor sleep behaviors. Parents hope or assume the child is going to be the one to lead to better sleep. The child isn’t going to be the one to jump out of the cycle....
A Sleep Consultant Shares the Real Key to Success with Infant and Toddler Sleep | Mama Lovejoy Blog
Letting out a big sigh, a new mother decides it’s time to face her baby’s bedtime. Bedtime often requires multiple attempts at putting her son down before he finally sleeps… and in between attempts she’s stuck walking...
A Sleep Consultant’s Surprising (and Refreshing!) Advice on Promoting Good Sleep in Newborns | Mama Lovejoy Blog
In a poorly-lit hallway, across from a couple of tripods and the graffiti-covered wall of the Las Vegas SLS hotel, a Certified Sleep Consultant was about to share the secrets to getting newborn babies to sleep. We were...
4 Parent Prep Tips for the End of Daylight Savings Time | Right Start Blog
Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 1st. Are you prepared? Follow these four easy tips from certified child and family sleep expert, Jenni June, to make the transition as easy as possible on you and your little ones! Make...
Preschooler Sleep Cues vs. Overtired Cues | Naturepedic Blog
As you know, when the stars align and we hit that perfect window when our kids are truly ready for bed, the whole process seems to go really well. However, for many parents this happens less often than a blue moon....