4 Pillars Of Sleep Hygiene®
Jenni June’s trademarked primary focus of work which includes a tightly prescribed sleep plan and easy to follow daily schedule for children ages 4-months to 8-years.
4 Pillars Of Sleep Hygiene®
Sleep hygiene is the medical terminology for syncing your child’s sleep with their natural biological rhythms and integrating specific evidence-based sleep science techniques, environment, routines and conditions that help elevate and kick-start your child’s natural melatonin production, so that the brain and body WANT to do the sleeping. The only thing left to “fight sleep” after this is a child’s “will” and/or the temporary struggle of unlearning old habits and replacing them with powerful new ones.
Sleep Hygiene sets a child up for success! There are no tears involved with this wellsleep component of my sleep plans.
The 4 Pillars Of Sleep Hygiene® may be used alone to help “take the edge off” of your current situation. Some of my families note that it does the job entirely, without having to use a behavioral “method” at all. My co-sleeping and attachment parents love this!
However, without the 4 Pillars Of Sleep Hygiene®, no behavioral sleep training method will be successful. It will quickly fall apart when your child is ill, or with travel or time zone changes. That’s because sleep is more than just behavioral, it’s about the brain and hormones.
If you would like to use a behavioral sleep training “method” in conjunction with your sleep hygiene plan, you may do so, and feel confident knowing that there is far less stress and resistance with a proper sleep hygiene plan in place as your wellsleep foundation.
I do not subscribe to any one method. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching a baby or child a new routine or sleep skill. Behavioral methods are safe and effective when…
- properly matched to your unique child
- performed correctly
- performed with perfect consistency
- loving securely attached parent or caregiver
- implemented for a child who is not already overtired with elevated
- levels of wakefulness hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) in their system due to poor sleep hygiene.
I carefully outline your method options with realistic expectations on what you can expect in the way of tears or resistance; how long it will take to come together, and what it will take from you to perform the various forms of engagement. I do not sugar coat anything.
You will receive education on the 5 determining factors you will need to consider in order to properly match the right method to your child.
Since you know yourself and your child better than I do, YOU will choose the method that you feel is the best match for your unique child and family. I will provide you with instructions for your chosen method and coach you through the process on-demand for 5 to 7 consecutive days, while also evaluating the special daily sleep logs that I have created for you.

Jenni June – Individual Sleep Services
Get started with a customized, step by step plan and schedule that matches your child and family’s needs and parenting values.
Phone/Zoom Consultation $585
We begin with a thorough intake and evaluation of your child’s current sleep habits and concerns. This is done before the actual one-on-one consultation.
90-minute consultation via phone or Zoom. This is where we discuss natural and developmentally correct solutions to your child’s individual sleep issues. How to prepare your child’s sleep environment and how to integrate the 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene right away! We then discuss the behavioral sleep training method options and what you should consider in order to match the right method to your unique child and family. Finally, if you are a breastfeeding mom, I will teach you how to protect your breast milk supply and maintain positive breastfeeding behaviors.
You will receive a complete written sleep plan with the 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene (discussed in your consultation) naturally woven into the 24-hour schedule, including naps, night sleep and eating schedule.
You will be allowed time to prepare or just try the sleep hygiene components alone for a week or two. When you are officially ready to begin the process and integrate the behavioral sleep training component of your plan, you will be given 5 consecutive days of follow up support. This will consist of turning customized sleep logs in to me daily for evaluation and feedback, plus 2 additional brief points of contact via phone/text/email (Monday through Saturday -15 minutes cumulative between the hours of 8am-7pm PT).
In-Home Consultations $995
We begin with a thorough intake and evaluation of your child’s current sleep habits and concerns. This is done before the actual one-on-one consultation.
2 hours consultation in your home. This is where we discuss natural and developmentally correct solutions to your child’s individual sleep issues. I will evaluate your child’s sleep environment and teach you how to integrate the 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene right away! We then discuss the behavioral sleep training method options and what you should consider in order to match the right method to your unique child and family. Finally, if you are a breastfeeding mom, I will teach you how to protect your breast milk supply and maintain positive breastfeeding behaviors.
You will receive a complete written sleep plan with the 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene (discussed in your consultation) naturally woven into the 24-hour schedule, including naps, night sleep and eating schedule.
You will be allowed time to prepare or just try the sleep hygiene components alone for a week or two. When you are officially ready to begin the process and integrate the behavioral sleep training component of your plan, you will be given 7 consecutive days of follow up support. This will consist of turning customized sleep logs in to me daily for evaluation and feedback, plus 2 additional brief points of contact via phone/text/email (Monday through Saturday -15 minutes cumulative between the hours of 8am-7pm PT).
Overnight Services $2,200
*3 day minimum required. Servicing United States and Western Europe. Additional time and travel fees may apply.
I am at your side, coaching and supporting you every step of the way as you implement the plan.
Especially helpful for parents with baby blues or postpartum depression; parents who are chronically sleep deprived; accustomed to full service support or coaching; or when partner is away or unable to help.
My involvement is very different depending on your needs and wishes and the method you choose, but rest assured, if baby is up, so am I!
You will receive a detailed report of baby’s process, reaction, and progress at the end of our time together which is very helpful to refer to as objective memory recall is sometimes a challenge for the sleep deprived or overwhelmed new parent.
If certified lactation counseling or postnatal stress management coaching is needed this will be included and provided as well.
Follow Up And Returning Client Support $170
*includes 1 hour
For returning clients who desire additional coaching with their sleep plan, or a refresher to get things back on track after an illness, travel, time change, re-location or developmental milestone.
1 hour typically includes: Updated intake form + current sleep log evaluation 30 minute call + My recommendations and notes from our call emailed to you within 24 hours. *I may make adjustments to how this 1 hour is used, depending on what best meets your specific needs.
Jenni June – Group Workshops
Private Group Workshop For Schools/Corporations/Faith-Based Institutions $2,000
*Additional time and travel fees may apply
Restore: Creating a Healthy Sleep Plan for Your Baby and Child
This seminar breaks down the key components of sleep wellness utilizing the evidence-based “4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene”-unlocking the secrets behind how to kick-start your child’s powerful, natural, sleep hormones, and sync their sleep with their natural biological rhythms.
You will also learn how sleep habits are formed and how poor habits can be changed into powerful new ones! Your baby and child will experience the deepest, most restorative stages of healthy sleep necessary for proper immune function and mental and physical development.
90 minutes plus 20 mins Q and A for each workshop
For Parents with babies 4m to 2.5y in crib or co-sleeping
For Parents with toddlers/preschoolers/Kindergarten 3y to 5y in own bed or co-sleeping
Fee per workshop: $1,200
*You are permitted to sell tickets to this to cover your expense
**Additional time and travel fee may apply outside of Los Angeles proper

Adult Sleep Rehab
Personal training for adults who struggle with symptoms of insomnia.
When you are stuck in a poor habit or mindset, it’s not enough to know ‘what to do’. All the gimmicky products, pills, supplements, impersonal videos, apps or occasional email ‘check-ins’ are just temporary band aide solutions. My program is not a novelty approach. We will get to the root of your sleep challenges and equip you with tools and an action plan specific to your needs. Then, daily coaching to get you on the other side of the temporary struggle that often accompanies the difficult process of getting out of our old habits and creating powerful new ones!
Just as it often takes one-on-one personal training to get in the best physical shape, the same goes in achieving one’s goals in improving sleep habits.
Initial consultation: $150
Full coaching starting at $1200