Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night.

Jenni June will be prepping and teaching moms with babies 3-4 months old on how to help their babies sleep through the night and develop a healthy and effective sleep schedule. Feb. 5th, 2014 8580 Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. Infant Sleep Hygiene and Training...

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Jenni June Sleep Hygiene Tips for the Nap Time Routine.

1. Provide a good meal right before nap time. Keep this time free from over stimulation. No TV or iPad. The blue light in screen can signal brain to halt melatonin production (That's our sleepy hormones!). Instead, use calming and soothing music during meal and nap...

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Don't start sleep training if…

1. You know you will be traveling, having house guests, or other social or family functions within 3 weeks of begining, because consistency is key when learning new habits! It's bootcamp baby! 2. Don't begin sleep training when your child has a cold or is congested,...

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What my grandparents taught me, that my parents couldn’t.

When I was a kid, my dad worked a lot of hard long hours and was the bread winner. He provided a nice house, 2 cars, vacations, lots of Seattle Mariner games, and great Christmases and birthdays. You could say we were middle to upper middle class. My mom chose to work...

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What if we had done "Family" right 60 years ago?

With the economy growing still worse and the cost of child care and preschools on the rise, mothers are feeling the stress to be both nurturer and provider, in addition to the responsibilities they are already burdened with. Both parents are feeling the pressure to...

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The "Visionary" Parent vs. the "In the Moment" Parent

Which one are you? I define them as this: The In the Moment parent (ITM) takes each moment or challenge at face value. They put a lot of stock in a child's resistance to anything. They dwell much longer and deeper on why a child might be throwing a fit or refuse to go...

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How to REALLY have balance between work and family

A successful way to reconcile our work and family responsibilities is by creating a family plan that complements rather than competes against our business plan. All business experts stress the importance of creating a thorough strategic business plan before starting a...

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Dr. Weissbluth's Wisdom on Temperament Anxiety

In Sunday’s New York Times, there is an article discussing the links between temperament and anxiety. My discovery of the link between sleep duration and temperament originally published in 1981 was selected for re-publication in the Annual Progress in Child...

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Best Bonding with Baby Basics

The top five key factors that positively affect parent-infant bonding: 1. Skin to skin contact- Right out of the chute! In fact there is so much evidence supporting this that the World Health organization and UNICEF have implemented the Baby Friendly Hospital...

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What influences you the most as a parent?

There are two powerful types of influence for a parent. One is external and the other is internal. Some parents are influenced by what others say are the best workshops, child-rearing books, Mommy and Me classes, pop-culture parenting fads. These are external...

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The only 'top ten' parenting list that matters

It seems, that with the best of intentions,  we parents sometimes focus too much on the outward compliance of our children and how they are viewed by others. The frightening result is that the heart of our child is completely missed as we aim to make our children our...

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A lot of families call me to help them when intermittent reinforcement methods are not working. This study may shed light on the situation. One of the useful principles discovered by behavioral psychologists is that intermittent reinforcement increases resistance to...

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What is a sanctimommy?

"The sanctimommy knows how you should raise your children. Specifically, she knows what foods they should eat, what toys they should be allowed to play with; heck, sanctimommy even knows how you should have given birth…"  (Source unknown) Do you have any of these in...

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Self-check: Are you an overindulgent parent?

Time for another Jenni June self-check!  I love and hate this one... I have to perform this self-evaluation more than I'd like to admit, and you may too, once we lift the veil on the causes and excuses of overindulgent parenting. We tend to think that overindulgence...

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Attention! Sleep Deprived Parents…

The effects of sleep deprivation on adults is pretty sobering and if you are getting fragmented sleep at night, due to being woken by your sleep deprived baby or child, you will notice these symptoms taking their toll on your job and parenting performance. a)     ...

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