4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene Workshop

by | Jul 12, 2015 | Blog, Family, Kids Health, Kids Sleep Tips, Parenting, Past Events, Toddler Sleep Tips, Uncategorized

Jennifer Metter

Founder, Jenni June

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Jenni June presents 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene, & why no sleep training method will work without it!

Thursday, July 16, 2015
6:30 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT)
Beverly Hills, CA

What is sleep hygiene and why is it essential to infant and child well-sleep and sleep training?

Sleep hygiene is syncing your child’s sleep to their natural biological rhythms. Jenni June’s 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene are simple techniques that teach you how to kick-start and elevate your child’s natural melatonin production (powerful sleep hormones!) at the time you lie them down for naps and bedtime, so that their brain and body WANT to do the sleeping. This important pediatric sleep science reduces, tears, stress and sleep resistance. No sleep training method will work completely and long-term without it. Attachment Parents and those who wish to avoid sleep training “methods” find great success in providing sleep wellness for their baby using these simple physiological techniques within their already existing baby care routines. 

This special event is open only to the first 45 parents who register.

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