8 brutally honest reasons for #SleepFails

8 brutally honest reasons for #SleepFails

Parents fail to recognize their role in the cycle of poor sleep behaviors. Parents hope or assume the child is going to be the one to lead to better sleep. The child isn’t going to be the one to jump out of the cycle....

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4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene Workshop

4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene Workshop

[image_with_animation image_url="1585" animation="Fade In" img_link_target="_blank" img_link="http://greatbigfamilyplayday.com"] Jenni June presents 4 Pillars of Sleep Hygiene, & why no sleep training method will work...

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?Pregnancy Awareness Month!

?Pregnancy Awareness Month!

[image_with_animation image_url="1471" animation="Fade In" img_link_target="_blank" img_link="http://pregnancyawareness.com/"] Pregnancy Awareness Month Education #MayPam Twitter Party If you missed us at the Education...

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? Resource Guide for New and Expecting Parents!

? Resource Guide for New and Expecting Parents!

[image_with_animation image_url="1462" animation="Fade In" img_link_target="_self" img_link="/favs-picks/"] Hey new and expecting parents! As you know, I’m no “product ho” (I’m a poet and didn’t know it). I have always...

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Autism & Sleep: Great Article for Parents

Families of children with Autism see remarkable improvement in behavior and benefit greatly from sleep training and education. A qualified and certified child sleep consultant is trained for this special kind of support. Read more...

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Children Prone to Obseity

Study indicates that babies 16-21 months old who don't get enough sleep consume 10% more calories and are more prone to childhood obesity than little ones who are well rested. Read more here...

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Jenni June’s March Baby Sleep B.S. Buster!

B.S. Sleep myth #1... We’ve heard for decades in sleep training books and from well-meaning pediatricians (who by the way only receive on average 2.5 hrs. of pediatric sleep hygiene education in medical school and residency combined; if any at all) “Don’t sleep train...

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