Jennifer Metter

Founder, Jenni June

Children are often misdiagnosed ADHD and medicated (making sleep matters worse), when all that’s needed is sleep coaching, if a sleep disorder is not presenting.

In his article, Dr. Greene states:
“Recent research has verified that chronic poor sleep results in daytime tiredness, difficulties with focused attention, low threshold to express negative emotion (irritability and easy frustration), and difficulty modulating impulses and emotions (Seminars in Pediatric Neurology, Mar 1996). These are the same symptoms that can earn kids the diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, popularly known as ADD).”

Learn more and read Dr. Greene’s article here:


Written by Jenni June Certified Child and Family Sleep Consultant, CLC and practitioner member of the National Sleep Foundation and the Breathe Institute in Los Angeles

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