Mom.Me Blog Highlights Jenni June

by | Aug 1, 2017 | Blog, Family, General Health, Kids Health, Kids Sleep Tips, Parenting, Toddler Sleep Tips, Uncategorized

Jennifer Metter

Founder, Jenni June

My sleep training tips were referenced in a Mom.Me blog!

What an honor to stumble across this blog, written by a lovely former client of mine, Erica Garza. I’m always so grateful for the trust parents place in me.

Here’s a snippet of Erica’s kind words from her article “I’m Not A Monster” on Mom.Me:

“[C]alled around a few different sleep trainers until we decided on one based in Los Angeles where we live, who also happened to have the best reviews. Jenni June came to us on a Tuesday evening, a bubbly, bright-eyed, radiant mom of four. I thought about how exhausted I felt with one child—how could anyone look that full of life with four?!

Right away, Jenni put my mind at ease about all the worries I had previously associated with sleep training. She talked us through all the benefits of sleep hygiene and the importance of having a routine.She even toured our nursery (which we didn’t use yet) and pointed out all the changes we needed to make to ensure the most effective (and safest) sleeping environment, from blackout shades to ideal room temperature to sleep sacks. Her solutions were bolstered by research and stats on sleep science and sleep training studies. She showed us that the “cry-it-out causes brain damage” narrative was a false and misleading one.”


Read more at this link:


Jenni June Certified Child and Family Sleep Consultant, CLC and  practitioner member of the National Sleep Foundation and the Breathe Institute in Los Angeles

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